BMX Rider magazine is published by Freestyle Publications based in Poole, Dorset, UK. Freestyle Publications is established since 1989. |
issue 1 - august 2002 |
issue 2 - september 2002 - 160 pages REGULARS: first word, The muse, Plugged, Mailbox, Word and pictures: the stories behind, the images, Ramp building: how to build a kimper ramp, skill school: feeble grind, volcano 360, Pixellation, oscillator 1, Video KTRS, The resources, the last word, Next month. FEATURES: Hastings Backyard Jam, The Forte Bros interview, Freestyle Worlds, A model life: The Christophe Canitrot interview, Relax@redditch: the redditch jam, Alan's old skool international, the underdog: Elvin Hall. | |
issue 3 - october 2002 - 162 pages Romuald Noirot aka bibi on the cover. REGULARS: First word, The muse, Plugged, Mailbox, Word and Pictures,Genesis: Founding skateparks, Skill school, Wear, Pixelation, Oscillator,The resources, Last word, Next month. FEATURES: Urban Games,Shaun Eglington, Nass,Jamie Staff, Stu Clarke, Gypo jam, Dale Holmes. TEST RIDERS: Flatland bike,Fork test. THE HUB: Street and Park, Flat land, Vert, Trails, Races. | |
issue 4 - november 2002 - 162 pages Phil Dolan on the cover. REGULARS: First word, Leader, The muse, Plugged, Mailbox, Skill school: invert tables, Skatepark Genesis: The private venture, Pixelation, Oscillator 1: Reading festival, The resource, Last word, Next month. FEATURES: King of concrete, James Hitchcox interview, Oh Marseille!, Phil Dolan interview, Weymouth Jam, Kevin Batey interview, The Ruff Ride Story, Underrated: Luke Marchant. TEST RIDERS: Street Bike test, two-piece bar test. THE HUB: Street and Park: Radcliffe jam and Rhythm park check, Vert: king of concrete, Flatland:king of concrete, Dirt: Peynier trails (France) & UK secret trails check, Race: The Brits and No chips Pro-Am reports. | |
issue 5 - december 2002 - 162 pages Adam Strieby on the cover. REGULARS: First word, Leader, The muse, Plugged, Mailbox, Underrated: John Robinson, Skatepark Genesis: Public, Charity & Council run parks, Skill school: disasters, Wear, Pixelation, video, Oscillator 1, The resource, last word, next month. FEATURES: Rob Ridge:interview, En francais: french road trip, James Needham interview, Killing in black UK roadtrip, Peterborough free jam, Adam Strieby interview. THE HUB & TEST RIDERS: Opener & contents, Testrider1: trails frame test, Testrider2: street/ramp tyre test, Street & park: Stratford scene check & epic opening, Trails: redditch & scunthorpe, vert: Board stupid photo story, flatland: sessioning the south bank, Race: Peterborough & cheddar. | |
issue 6 - january 2003 - 134 pages Zak Shaw on the cover. REGULARS: First word, Leader, The Muse, Plugged, Mailbox, Underrated: Ed Tongue & Marc Goodwin, Skill school, Skatepark Genesis: Demonstrating the need, Pixelation, Oscillator 1, The resource, last word, Next month. FEATURES: Backyard 3, Simon Tabron interview, Circle of balance, Board x, Dennis Wingham interview Loophole jam leicester. THE HUB AND TEST RIDERS: Opener, Low end Bike test, Trail tyre test, Cardiff and ape skatepark, Backyard flatland, Board X vert, Epsom trails, North regional race champs and retrospective. | |
issue 7 - february 2003 - 114 pages Chris Mahoney on the cover. REGULARS: First word, Leader, The muse, Plugged, Mailbox, Underrated: Mikey Ball, Skill school, Skatepark Genesis: Location, Design, Materials and costing. Wear, The resource, Next month. FEATURES: Chris Mahoney interview, Northern John interview, JIKKS Streets tour, Japan, Broadstars Jam, A night in with circus bikes, BMX Women, Industry tour: Dirty habit clothing, Bike security. THE HUB AND TEST RIDERS: Opener, Intermediate level bike test, Rampworx: the legend of the north west, Manuel's cult of vert, Alex Vickers ITW, Out of season: business as usual? ABA Grands, Greg Romero 4-man and UCI rack opening. | |
Effraim Catlow: I know personally that a lot of riders around my area really love BMX Rider, because they can relate to what the content is about, rather than there being hidden agendas which sometimes dampen the coverage and affects who is featured in the magazine and who isn't, BMX Rider tends to report what is going on, and also covers flatland really well issue by issue which is always good in my book. | |
issue 8 - march 2003 - 98 pages First word, Leader, The Muse, Plugged, Mailbox, Todd Lyons interview, Neal Wood ITW, Lance Mosey ITW, Adam Aloise ITW, A day in the life of Dale Holmes, Underrated: The Noscoe brothers, Race bike test, Underground flat at Croydon, Rail of doom, Sheep hills, La Colline des Moutons, Birdport scene check, Skill school: The Condor, Indoor racing at Saint Etienne(france), Genesis, The resource, Next month. | |
issue 9 - 2003 | |
issue 10 - 2003 | |
issue 11 - june 2003 (1) Dave carves a pipe at Bearwood on the cover. Art director immigrant: notre Xavier Robleda national. Edito, The Muse, News, Letters, ... Backyard jam Bournemouth, Revolt jam, Oxford scene report and short interviews with David Pentz and Alex Leach, Bearwood pipes, Marcus Bloomfield interview, ABA Oldsmar, FL., Underrated: Pete Butler, Northern Ireland: Johnny Gordon and Peter Hollinger, Do It Yourself: Quarter Pipe, Country Colt frame and Hoffman Resistance bike tests, Pegs test, Fashion, Last word. | |
issue 12 - july 2003 - 100 pages (1) Cory Nastazio at Bike 2003 on the cover. Ce magazine commence de manière original avec un beau port folio de 8 pages. On enchaîne avec le courrier des lecteurs, les news, une grosse interview de Ben Manuel, un reportage sur Bike 2003, un article sur Diversion Video Magazine avec Bobby Carter (le 5ème en quelques mois dans la presse internationale), le FISE 2003, une Derby Jam, un peu de race avec les BCBMX national series et une course NBL, un petit road trip dans l'ouest anglais, la rubrique underrated avec Luke Elliot, un test des différentes potences du marché, des reviews, une leçon de flat pour apprendre l'incontournable hitchiker, et les derniers mots par Craig Reynolds qui grâce au BMX a appris des choses cette semaine... | |
issue 13 - august 2003 (1) Barcelona local Fernando on the cover, Barcelona road trip, Eat The Rich: Craig Young, Andi Jackson, William McGowan, Alan Kane and Anton Tsarev. King of PACA in France, Country Bikes and WTP UK road trip, Music and BMX, The Goodtimes contest, Ben Wallace interview, The Skaterham jam, The life of Riley, BCBMX National #4 Peterborough and #5 Coppull, Underrated: Swansea Jason, S&M Neal Wood signature and Supercross UL Serie bike tests, Video reviews: Manmade Chapter 2, Transit racing 2002, Props 48, Road Fools 11, ... | |
issue 14 - september 2003 (1) Chris Jenner on the cover, Shaun Butler interview, NASS, The Worlds, Dimitri Ivanov interview, Bearwood jam, ... | |
issue 15 - october 2003 (1) Jerry Galley at the Urban Games on the cover. Backyard Jam at Coventry. Urban Games. Marlboro Pete interview. | |
issue 16 - november 2003 (1) Brian Foster at the Gravity Games on the cover. The Muse (port folio), X-Games 2003, Los Angeles, KOC 2003, Southsea, Eastpack Transition tour, Jim Rienstra interview, German Masters, Berlin, Luke Fink, the worldchampion interview, 2&8 jam, Underrated: James Weetch, BCBMX British Championships, Bike test: Specialized Fuse 1 & Alliant Xpress Pro. | |
issue 17 - december 2003 (1) Tom Haugen on the cover, The Muse: surprising Tom Simpson's port folio, Tom Haugen interview, Underexposed: Guy Terry, Mike O'Connell, Vinnie Hunter, Paul Jeffries, Vancouver Metro Jam, Flat Time King, Grenoble, France, Gravity Games, Red Bull 3 Degrees, Bike test: We The People 4 Seasons & Specialized Fuse IV. | | review: Un mag d'excellente qualité, les photos et le format font penser à son cousin français Cream. Le contenu est aussi original qu'intéressant. | |
issue 18 - january 2004 (1) The muse (Silencio à Paris), news, Backyard jam, Two idiots in Paris with bikes and a camera, Board X, Park Central, Keith Marsden, Interbike, ABA Grands, Lumberjack Jam, Media without Purpose, Chris Boehm et Dan Hennig, James Smith, Bike test (KHE), Product Review, Skatepark listing et une interview de Christophe Dassié qui s'étale sur 8 pages et qui nous parle de choses on ne peut plus intéressantes (comme Paris, l'Opera, les Invalides, les plaques diplomatiques et un peu de sa vie aussi !) | |
issue 19 - february 2004 (2) The random issue. Rob Ridge using his front brake on the cover. Chris Myers interview. A whole bunch of reasons why more people need to run front brakes by Ben Foakes, Dennis Wingham, Seb, Rob Ridge, Dave Freimuth, James Hitchcox, Tobias Wicke and Dave White. Vibrations Urbaines de Pessac. Craig Reynolds: the secret diary of a BMXer aged 15 and a quarter. Gary Hall interview. Random questions with Geth Shooter and Frog. The muse: Vic Murphy, Pill, ... Bike test: Felt Ethic and Mongoose Villain. ABA Grands. Underrated: Leon Walton buissonrouge, Toujours Xavier Robleda aux commandes artistiques de ce magazine anglais mais pas de photo de Christophe Dassié ce mois-ci. Tant pis ce numéro est intéressant quand même. Il s'agit de The random issue , concept étrange où les news se retrouvent au milieu du magazine et l'édito à la fin. J'aime bien. Le vieux Rob Ridge est en couverture; avec plusieurs de ses camarades ( Ben Foakes, Dennis Wingham, Dave Freimuth, James Hitchcox, Tobias Wicke et Dave White) il essaye de nous nous convaincre de l'intérêt d'utiliser un frein avant. Il y a aussi une interview de Chris Myers, un cascadeur de San Diego puis un bon reportage sur les Vibrations Urbaines de Pessac. Craig Reynolds nous livre ensuite son journal intime à l'époque où il avait un peu plus de 15 ans et on termine par the muse qui regroupe quelques très belles photos de Tom Simpson et Travis Gardner. Un bon magazine anglais. Un de plus. A acheter la prochaine fois que vous irez faire du shopping à Londres. | |
issue 20 - march 2004 - Back to basics issue (2) Lee Hathaway big wallride at Epic on the cover. The Muse, Steve Mulder interview, Local industry, Epic Tag team bowl jam, Pariah jam; or how BMX should be, Mean Business, Mini road trip to Liverpool, Underrated: Karl Dean, Le cirque anglais à l'indoor de St Etienne, Rich Bay butt talks about trails, Bike tests: KHE Goldie and GT Thumper. | |
issue 21 - april 2004 (1) Underrated Briggsy with an invert in the pissing rain on the cover. First word: Every park has its local crew and every crew has members that share similarities. The muse, the news, mailbox, ... Brakeless in the UK: Simon Tabron, Cleggy, Chris Souter,Mat Coates, Will Jackson, James Cox, Cragsy, Ben Warren, Ricky Feather. Compensation culture. Steve Hibbit interview. Rob Nolli interview. Circle Cow. Saint George's Ghetto Fun Jam. The rules of BMX. Street transitions. Simon Dravigne interview. John Haxton interview. The Edge jam. | |
issue 22 - may 2004 (1) Lorenzo Reid wallride in Leeds on the cover. Stockwell scene check. Scott Foster. Living like a pauper. A brief history of the tailwhip. Lorenzo Reid. inTRIKat: Chad and Amy Johnston. Underrated: Brandon Turner. Racing in Tours. | |
issue 23 - june 2004 (1) Ben Snowden inverted on the cover. Photo: Bridle. The muse: Gary Young, Chad Johnston, Bruce Crisman. Bournemouth Backyard jam. Effraim Catlow interview. Derby jam. Bike Show 2004. Ben Snowden interview. Ben Foakes interview. Southsea Easter jam. | |
issue 24 - july 2004 (1) First word: feel the pain. Fuck all trends: vert (Zack Shaw, Mike Mullen, Jay Miron, Pete Marselle, Dennis Wingham, Shaun Egglington, Simon Tabron). Amsterdam Homemade jam. Hannu Cools interview. Simon Bamber and Joe Alderson interview. UGP Roots jam. Gordy Toth interview. Crank jam. Steve Woodward interview. Bike test: Federal Foundation and WTP Daredevil. | |
issue 25 - august 2004 (1) Jesse Puente on the cover. Photo Travis Gardner. First issue with a new editor: Mike Hobbs. The Worlds in Cologne. Jesse Puente interview. Mark Theaker interview. King of the Skatepark. Top 5s with Jason Forde. Stolen bike. Emerald zine made by girl for girls. Nina Buitrago, Michelle Kelley and Hanita Hodgin interviews. BCBMX rounds 1, 2, 3 and 4. Underrated: Chris Hervan. |