Owner: Steve Inge "Allied came about as a second brand (after PoorBoy). We were brain storming and thinking about names that meant "friends" "partners" "companionship" etc. things that represent how I see bmx. " | |
Released during summer 1997 Steev Inge's first release under the Allied Name, Loiter is 100% flatland. Riders: Andrew Faris, Jason Brown, Jamie Mcintosh, Dylan Worsley, Steve Roy and many others. www.ewirezine.com: Well, here's something you don't see very often: an all-flatland video ! In my opinion, this is a much-welcomed change to videos with non-stop trail riding ...not that there's anything wrong with those, but flatland is definitely overlooked too much. Once you get through the long intro, Loiter includes the talents of Andrew Faris, Dylan Worsley, Jason Brown, Matt Gipson, Steve Roy, and others, so I don't even have to tell you how good it is. There's a lot of stuff here to inspire - or depress, depending on how you react to watching some amazing riding. A lot of the tricks are the modern-day "popular" style: lots of front-wheel switching (often involving a cross-handed steamroller), scuffing tricks spinning the "wrong" way, reverse-scuffing, plus Dylan's insane on-the-pedal links. And if the new stuff confuses you, Steve Roy's old-school style will cheer you up. For your ears, there's some metal, big band jazz, techno - overall a mixed bag, but music is a very subjective subject. Also, the out-of-focus artsy shots are overused, and seemingly out of place claymation-style animations (which looks like early test shots for a Tool video) gets old. But if you flatland, do yourself a favor and see Loiter. Chris Halverson, www.theflatlander.com: Wow. This video is downright amazing. Loiter, by Allied, is pretty fast and straightforward the whole way through. Just about every Canadian flatlander is in Loiter, and they are all great. Now, you wouldn't think that the flatland scene in Canada is that big but trust me, it is. Andrew Faris, Jason Brown, Jaime Mcintosh, Dylan Worsley, Steve Roy and many others throw down some of the best flatland in the sport. Loiter is 100% flatland, so you flatland-only types will especially dig it. This one is definitely a must see for the hardcore flatlander in you. Enjoy! |
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"Here in lies a cinematic collection of deliberate indescretions and disturbingly blatant disregard for self preservation" reads the back of Heroes and Madmen's box. Great editing done by Steev. This video is all dirt and real street with a little mini action thrown in. Riders: most of the riders in this video aren't the same guys you always see in every video. Chad Kagy on the cover. BMX Plus! april 1998: This video is good. Allied pulled out all the stops and put out the best street video on the market. There is some dirt jumping in Heroes and Mad Men, but the street riding is amazing. The NorCal and Texas locals pull some awesome moves, and then Chad Kagy completely goes off at the end. This kid will barspin off anything. Check this one out right away. |
![]() Chad Kagy & Credits. |
LOITER 2 | |
New flatland-only video from Steev Inge. 1999. Time: 30 minutes. Riders: Cory Stratychuk, Jason Brown, Dan Rigby, Will Redd, Steve Fong, Stephane Royer, Dylan Worsley, and Scott Ditm=chfield Lee Musselwhite, server.byke.org/ukflat: Loiter 2 is a team vid from Allied. It pretty much covers the Canadian scene heavily and a few other guys who are on the team. There are no sections, just clips from everyone mixed together. Riders include; Cory Stratichuck with his effortless flowing rolling around his parking lot pulling an array of forward and backward Hitchiker variations and half bar flips with out scuffing, managing to maintain a constant speed throughout. Jason Brown rides as fast as one man possibly could, with killer stuff like a split leg boomerang in to opposide blender on the pedal with hands on the bars. About 5 backward jugglers to 360 anti clockwise flip to Hitchiker. Stephan Royer was awesome to watch on his multi coloured basic, he is not often on vids that much so its good to see what he is up to now. With his fast slick style he bar flipped out of funky chicken clockwise to straight foot blender on the pedal and did a lot of stepping back around the bike stuff from elephant glides. Steve Fong did loads of around the bike walking and bar flips on the front end. Dan Rigby flat out ruled with killer bar flip stuff and back end links in his awesome slow smooth style. Will Read now rides with no brakes and goes off on the vid, doing loads of candy bar Mccircle and fork wheelie stuff with a similar style to Chase. Dillon Worsley did a load of his rad pedal stuff lard yard on the pedal to sw Gyrator on the pedal, a full on backward decade out of links, and to show Dillon's versatility tons of pinky and chick squeaks on his left foot. The vids sound track consists of some metal stuff and punk rock unlike the previous loiter vid which was like jazz stuff. About a quarter of a way into the vid there's some really cool tunes. The only flaws I found with the vid were: Some of the footage on the vid was slightly older from Cory and Jason and Steve and you may have already seen a lot of it on the Canadians vids, not all though because there were links and tricks I had never seen these guys do before. another thing on the vid was Some of the links were repeated in it (not in slow motion or anything just shot at different times) which I didn't think was too good at all. The footage is all good quality though but at some point the camera angles and footage were real good e.g. fisheye, underneath and over head of the bike, where as others were real dark and quite far away when Stephan came on a one point. Despite some of these little things I picked up on they are meant to be constructive and I actually though the vid was good enough entertainment. I would give it 3 out of 5 . Chris Halverson, www.theflatlander.com: I was kind of skeptical of this video because I wasn't a big fan of the first Loiter, but this one is a different story. I think Loiter 2 showcases some of the best, most technical flatland to date. Seriously, the tricks in this one are just unbelievable. In my opinion, the smoothest stuff in Loiter 2 comes from Cory Stratychuk. his two footed rolling steamrollers into hitchikers are incredible. Will Redd has come a long way since Loiter 1, riding with a new superfast style with no brakes. Redlines new flatlander Jason Brown rides good too, with his full barflips straight into hitchikers, as well as his multiple hitchiker whip things. One thing I have noticed about Dylan Worsley is that he has two different styles. He has the super smooth, flowing back wheel links from the Baco vids, and then he has kind of a sketchy, just-about-to-fall style in Loiter. They're both dope though, so don't think I'm dissing him. Now, on to Stephane Royer. He rides with no back brake, and he didn't do any back wheel tricks, but his insane front wheel barflips make up for it. There are other dope riders in Loiter 2, but I'll let you buy it yourself and see their riding talent for yourself. Flat riders in this video include: Cory Stratychuk, Jason Brown, Dan Rigby, Will Redd, Steve Fong, Stephane Royer, Dylan Worsley, and Scott Ditchfield. |
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