Zine made by Marc Paulichenko. Sauga BMX is a zine that was started to bring the "zines" back to Canada and USA. It can also be found internationally. The zine started locally, but has done so well, that the word has spread. Advertisers from all over Canada and the States. Hopefully, Sauga BMX zine will be on the magazine stands one day and will be sold everywhere. So keep supporting and check it out. The most important thing about our zine is... IT'S FREE. (USA and Canada, international is extra). Size: 5.5 x 8.5 in B/W. |
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issue 1 - june 2004 Our first issue of 16 pages of love consists of the Jeff Meadows interview, photos sent in by readers, how to bunnyhop and our very own and original idea of a chick discussing BMX. Pick your zine up now, before there gone! May the zine be with you... |
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issue 2 corybike, www.bmx-test.com, november 2004: Due to certain factors, primarily the rise of the internet, zines don't seem all that popular anymore so I was stoked to see someone doing one. Most of the zines I've read revolve around a certain scene; a music scene, skateboarding scene, or in this case the GTA (Toronto) BMX scene. It's a plain old black and white magazine made of photocopied pages showcasing the talents of the average rider and best of all, it's free. Issue 2 features such things as a Table of Contents (an upgrade from Issue 1), submitted letters and photos, how to 180, what one girl thinks of BMX, an interview with a local rider, some ads, a place to buy shirts if you're just in love with the zine, a girl with T.H.O.'s and some other stuff. There are 23 pages in total, quite a bit longer than the first issue, and put together a little better. I found it pretty average in size and content. It was put together well enough, it made me chuckle a few times, and it's just interesting to see what some people have to say about things. It's free so I don't feel it needs an in-depth critique or anything. If you're interested, drop these guys a line and check it out. The most it can cost you is a buck or so (U.S. funds) for postage. Also, as with a lot of other zines, they take submissions. Photos, letters, suggestions for articles, ad inquiries etc. can all be sent to saugabmxzine@bikerider.com. You could see yourself in the next issue! They also do free product checks, so if you have a company you're trying to get going, hit them up for a little bit of exposure. So if you want a new zine to flip through, check out Sauga BMX....you have nothing to lose. |
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issue 3 - january 2005 It consists of Andrew Kum interview, How-to-Feeble 180, Dedication to Ian Carmichael, Photos sent in by readers, top 10 reasons to ride, USA&Canadian news, local dirt comp, and more! 24 pages of zine! Don't forget to read the fine print. |
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issue 4 - august 2005 Mike Poos on the cover. Expect the zine to be A LOT better than the other ones, as this one will be going DIGITAL. It means not only will the quality be better, but the entire outlook of the whole zine will impress you. Issue four features the following: MIKE POOS INTERVIEW HOW-TO-TAILWHIP LISTEN UP! (music review) PROD CHECK READER'S PHOTOS 2 BMX COMPS ONE AMAZING EDITORIAL |