Steve Buddendeck,, november 2006: The 2B Cookbook was really Hal Brindley's baby and consisted of just one issue. The best BMX magazine at the time (Go: The Riders Manual) had just shut down, so there was a scramble to fill the void. Hal had just graduated from college and received something tike $8,000.00 in graduation money. He spent every penny of it on the Cookbook. The idea was to make a grassroots magazine that expressed how much fun BMX is. We got a copy of the Trend BMX mailing list and sent every one of their customers a copy for free. There was a message inside that if you liked the zine, then send in $1 for the next one. A lot of people said they liked it, but not a lot sent in a buck. So much for the revolution. Needless to say, Brad McDonald's business model for Ride was a little more solid. Ironically both Hal and I would go on to work in some capacity for Ride. We both shot photos and wrote stories. One year Brad hired Hal to tally the 1993 Ride Readers Surveys. He nearly lost his mind. At one point he resorted to tallying for hours while completely naked. I went on to start Snap BMX and BMX Business News with Brad. Jared Souney,, september 2009: If you rode freestyle BMX in the late 80s and then the early 90s, Freestylin magazine and later Go were your bibles. When Go folded in the early 90s, a void was left in the freestyle community. Young BMXers/entreprenuers Hal Brindley and Steve Buddendeck were doing a line of t-shirts called 2B Homecooked Garments at the time, and the brand was picking up in popularity. Hal saw an opportunity and the need to fill the void, and with the help of Happy Zine maker Jimmy Deaton, produced one issue of The Cookbook. The Cookbook was a black and white, offset printed publication with a DIY aesthetic. Hal put up $5000 of his own money (Print costs have decreased since those days. Now publications skip many of the expensive pre-press phases and go direct to plate.) to produce 10,000 copies of The Cookbook, which he mailed out for free. In return he requested that anyone who liked the zine send a dollar. Anyone who liked it and wanted to recieve the next one, send another dollar. I sent two dollars, and Hal deserved it. About a year later the first issue of Brad McDonalds Ride BMX Magazine came out. Issue Two of The Cookbook never surfaced. Ultimately it was the Cookbook that made me realize producing a magazine on your own was attainable, and led to me working in the publishing/media industry, and even producing a few of my own magazines. |
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issue 1 - 1992 Mark Noble, Ride BMX UK, october 1992: 2B, a rider owned clothing company from Virginia in America, have just started putting out a rather large 'zine type publication called The Cook Book. Hal Brindley and Steve Buddendeck [the 'Bs' in 2B] were both at this year's King Of Concrete and along with a fine new range of tee shirts they showed me the first issue of their magazine. The Cook Book is total bikes - the articles and photos and style are all solid BMX editorial, with a few different bits and pieces here and there for added spice. Photos are cool, layouts are full on, and the writing is knowledgable and fun to read. Black and white throughout printed on good paper, it's fresh - and the coverage is mostly mid to East Coast America which is a very strong bike scene indeed. The magazine has cost them a hell of a lot of money to put out [they spent something like $3500 on postage alone] and they're shooting for subscrptions and stuff for the future issues. Overall, Hal and Steve are doing a fine job, and we reckon you need to check out an issue - it's a good rider's mag. The best thing to do would be to send 2B a five dollar note with your name & address and they'll send you an issue. You'll appreciate it. SEND 2B Cook Book PO BOX 428, Williamsburg VA 23187, USA. |