Place: Berges du Lez, Montpellier. Date: 30 avril au 4 mai 2008. | |
DIRT | |
PROS. Bart de Jong,, may 2008: Pro dirt at the FISE is always a straight final. To find the dirt jumps you had to explore a little bit as it was located a bit from the actual event area. Once there you forgot about the walk you just did and enjoyed the riding. The set-up was okay. A drop from the truck into a downhill section towards the three lines. The one on the left started with a 90 ft double to a giant set. It looked more like a freestyle motocross jump set up than a BMX dirt jump course but those with speed in their legs cleared it and it was impressive that they did. Next to the long set there were two lines. The bigger one of the two was in the middle and it was possible to transfer to the left or right as the landings were the same, just the take-offs had different distances. The night was kicking in and the soundsystem and lights were doing their work. It was kinda dark though but the riders kept on riding do it didn't seem to bother them too much. Everyone had 4 runs with the best three counting towards the final score. The crowd was getting loose at this point after spending all day in the blazing sun where a few brewski's will get you fucked up. Standouts were Koxx riders Patrick Guimez and Ricardo Laguna with giant no-handed flips and turndown flips, 3-whips, no-handed 3-s and variations of the two. This one dude on a pink bike was scaring everyone with his double backflip attempts and he went crazy on them barrell roll flips as well. He had a hard time clearing the three sets to begin with which should explain why it was hard to see him huck himself this hard every time. There was actually no need for it too. Whatever, he survived in the end. After the contest the riders kept on riding which is always a good sign. It is a lot of work to build a dirt course and with the light and music system this year it added some atmosphere to the game. Looking forward to 2009 already. RESULTATS DIRT PRO: 1.Laguna Ricardo 2.Guimez Patrick 3.Mac Kay Colin 4.Agniel Nicolas 5.Peyre Louis 6.Yannick Graneu 7.Priest Matt 8.Eloudredi Yassine 9.Musso Mathieu 10.carrez cedric 11.Musso Justin 12.Cartier Yannick (willow) 13.kompaore laurent 14.Maunier Laurent 15.Pillin Nicolas 16.Massardier Vinz 17.Castex Robin 18.Wastl Toni 19.Gaby 20.Cavrot Mickael 21.Rocci Anthony RESULTATS BMX DIRT AMATEURS: 1 CHRYAMOIUSK VINCENT 2 LEGRAND LUDOVIC 3 INGARGIOLA CHRISTOPHE 4 CAVROT MICKAEL 5 ROCCI ANTHONY 6 STREIFF ALAREC 7 SERUE LAURENT 8 GRANIERI JEREMY 9 WELTER DAMIEN 10 FIORESE DAVID 11 ARMAND GEORGE 12 BONNEFOY JONATHAN 13 SERGIO IBANEZ 14 JAUME ARDEBOL 15 DUBOURGNON MATHIEU 16 BOB MANCHESTER 17 MILLAN CRISTIAN 18 GIUSTI MATHIEU |
PARK | |
AMATEURS. RESULTATS BMX STREET AMATEURS: 1.Remmeau Clément 2.Tennez Nicolas 3.DESCHAMPS NICOLAS 4.Courtial David 5.Zack Williams 6.Smith Tom 7.Granieri Yannick 8.Magnan Xavier 9.Palmade Arnaud 10.Ladreyt Aurelien 11.Dumoulin Remi 12.Serve Laurent 13.Emorine thibault 14.Reynard Alexandre 15.Laffont Eric 16.Vidal Guillaumme QUALIFICATIONS PROS., may 2008: With 68 Pro riders entering the FISE in France it was tough to make the 20 people cut. The level of riding is so high these days that the difference between making it and not making the finals is tiny. Dave Rytell entered his first contest since he got picked up by Mirraco a few years ago at the Local Exposure tour and was the only Mirraco rider to not make the pro finals. Maxime Charveron didnt have the best run hes ever had so theres room for improvement there. Mike Laird lost his bike over the fence and it fell into the water. He picked up Mirras ride and pulled every trick he wanted to do on it. Good enough for 16th place in qualifying. Dave Mirra placed fifth and made his presence known by pulling the no-handed-360-backflip first try. The crowd (an estimated 100.000 total) went nuts. Alessandro Trick machine Barbero did his program and used the riding he did recently at Woodward to his advantage. 3rd in qualifying went to Mike Spinner. FINALES PROS., may 2008: With the biggest crowd in contest history watching the park finals things were heating up on Sunday night during the park finals. 21 riders made the cut and Mirraco was well represented. Mike Laird finished 10th and pulled the sweetest no-handed 360 ever. Dave Mirra wasnt feeling it but did not leave without giving the crowd what they came to see. Dave has the 360 no-handed backflip wired and pulled another one as his Last Trick while the people were sreaming as loud as they could. Having thousands of people watching a BMX contest is awesome. Maxime Charveron finished 7th after qualifying in 18th. That means he did well in finals. His handplants were unique as well as his bikeflip on the quarter. 3rd place was for Alessandro Barbero, the Italian pulled everything he wanted to do and was stoked. 2nd place went to Mike Spinner who pulled a 1080 as his Last Trick, his first one in Europe. Daniel Dhers finished first., may 2008: Street finals were insane, top 3 went like this... Alessandro Babbero in third, Mike Spinner second and Daniel Dhers first place. The judging was pretty good and nobody complained. Although while announcing the rollerblade results, the second place guy got so upset he didn't win that he cried, stole the microphone and climbed ontop of the wall ride to protest... RESULTATS BMX STREET PROS: 1. DANIEL DHERS 2. MIKE SPINNER 3. ALESSANDRO BARBERO 4. MARK WEBB 5. ALISTAIR WHITTON 6. BEN HENNON 7. MAXIME CHARVERON 8. HARRY MAIN 9. DAVE MIRRA 10. MAIK LAIRD HIGH AIR. Bart de Jong,, may 2008: High air took place saturday night and a French dude showed up all of a sudden to give Chase Hawk a run for his money. After watching 5 different photo camera's it ended up being a tie at 3,5 meters with the lowest part of the bike counting. It wasn't the easy way out, it was the right decision. Digital photography' rules for this. 750 Euros for both the Frenchie and Chase.. FIAT High Air BMX Contest: Chase Hawk and Geoffrey Thibaut (tie) |
FLAT | |, mai 2008: L'aire était plus petite que les années précédentes d'une part par manque de moyens (le budget Fiat n'est pas le même que celui de Nokia) et d'autre part par les restrictions dues au Lez, il existe une loi de 1974 imposant des distances de sécurité en cas de crue jusqu'au 1 mai., may 2008: The flatland area was smaller than last year and many riders didn´t like the floor. But nevertheless the atmosphere during the finals was very good thanks to the big crowd. Raph Chiquet won. He had a very good final run and managed to pull most of his backwheel links. AMATEURS oldghost,, mai 2008: Pour la finale amateur flat malgré l'heure trés matinale(10h), le sol, le manque de place, Alex Jumelin à la fin a bien résumé la situation: "ils ont tous bien roulés, je ne voudrais pas être à la place des juges!" Si Nico est premier et le mérite surement vu son run et les tricks réalisés, les 5 suivants ont tous fait des bons runs avec des styles, des originalités et des niveaux différents mais surout très propres. Je pense que le classement était loin d'etre évident, surtout sur un contest sans catégories expert, master séparées comme un contest de flat classique. Aurélien par exemple a fait un run parfait, Fred aussi, c'est clair. Marksou toujours trés technique a bien rentré ses principaux tricks malgré et le sol et la place minuscule. Reste qu'on est au fise et que l'ambiance genre super spectacle show a certainement influencé les juges. Notre géant gulliver méritait certainement mieux , alors....comme on dit: "c'est le FISE". RESULTATS BMX FLAT AMATEUR: 1.Mugnier Nicolas 2.Bonnecuellle Mathieu 2.Cassagne Aude 4.Marksou Sebastien 5.Simille Aurelien 6.Page Fred 7.PAROUSSOUGLOU Alexandre 8.Perrier Laurent 9.DEL GRECO Floriant 10.MARAILHAC Cyril 11.GIRAUD Etienne 12.MUNEZ Alvaro 13.LOIODIC Mickael 14.SAINZ Eddy 15.USANNAZ Sébastien PROS Bart de Jong,, may 2008: Flatland at the FISE this year was run by the Paris crew and brought a good field of pro riders to Montpellier. The good thing about the FISE is that the chances of enjoying some sunshine this early in the year are better than at home. Travis Collier made it down from Canada, Frank Lukas and Waldemar drove down from Germany, Adam Kun came over from Hungary, Viki Gomez made the trip from Spain, Justin Miller arrived from the USA, and Martti Kuoppa flew in from Finland. It shows that FISE is an international event and that the flatland riders are an international bunch. The French competition was high though with Alex Jumelin, Matthias Dandois and Raphael Chiquet all making the finals. The finals had more of a breakdance battle setup. The riding space was small but it was for a platform where the riders had to work with. Long straight whiplashes or any of those tricks were impossible to do because simply there was no space. The wooden surface worked for spins, scuffs and squeaks in a tight circle. The level of riding was high though and Raphael Chiquet beat the whole pack. RESULTATS PRO FLAT: 1.Chiquet Raphaël 2.Miller Justin 3.Dandois Matthias 4.Kun Adam 5.Falkin Waldemar 6.Kuoppa Martti 7.Gomez Viki 8.Jumelin Alex 9.Bohn Chris 10.Ferando Nicolas 11.Grossjohann Benjamin 12.Mohammedi Mustapha 13.Collier Travis 14.Mohammedi Bachir 15.Lukas Frank |
Pro flat. qhuit17, mai 2008: Le run de Nicolas, il a finit 1er amateur, il a géré le con. |
QUALIFICATIONS PROS. Bart de Jong,, may 2008: We are at the FISE in Montpellier and the first pro event took place today. It was the miniramp comp which basically only exists in Europe. And for those in the know, it's a good event. The crowd was huge and pro qualifying took place in the sunshine with lots of good riders on the platform. Mark Webb did really well and bust have qualified up on top (results are not known yet) with Daniel Dhers being up there too. Both riders held back just a little for the finals (Sunday) as they have a big bag of tricks they can dig out of. Harry Main span a 900 on the Braun ramp and did a 720 over the big spine to make it to the finals. It was a close call thoguh between all the other riders. FINALES PROS. Press release, may 2008: Dhers wins first stop of the Braun cruZer Tour at FISE. The crowd at FISE in Montpellier were loving Venezuelan, Daniel Dhers. He's been having an amazing year and has obviously built up a lot of support. His reign at the top continues with a win at the first leg of the 2008 Braun cruZer Tour. From the first practice runs on Thursday he showed all the competition he was the man to beat with his super quick style. During the finals he was executing tricks with insane accuracy. This continues to be the year of Dhers, he must be absolutely stoked having won the Street contest at FISE also. Last year's winner Mark Webb from the UK had to settle for the second spot but considering he has been back riding for just three weeks after a serious back injury, it is an unbelievable feat. He amazed the delighted crowd with trick after trick from his never ending supply. Coming in third was Alistair Whitton who busted out some massive air. French man Alexander Bourguignon also put on an amazing show for his home crowd. We'll be expecting great things from him on the Braun Spine as the Braun cruZer Tour continues at Nass in Somerset, England on June 13 to 15 and The Suzuki BMXMasters in Cologne, Germany on July 4 to 6., may 2008: Tony Watkinson pulled a barspin to whip air, and Mark Webb did a decade to tyretap! RESULTATS FINALE BMX SPINE PRO: 1.Daniel Dhers 2.Mark Webb 3.Alistair Whitton |
![]() Daniel Dhers. FreecasterTV, Daniel Dhers, Mark Webb and Alistair Whitton at The Braun CruZer Tour at FISE. Crazy BMX riding. |