1983 | Nobody is riding pegs except maybe to pitch out into garbage cans. | |
1984 | Things are being invented to bolt onto freestyle bikes including pegs. GT FRAME STANDERS. Ad from BMX Action september 1984: This unique design from GT is trick. GT factory, they go onto the rear axle, clean and simple. They work great for climbing all over your bike. REDLINE FORKPEGS. Freestylin winter 1984 85: These fork pegs are an excellent idea. But you'll have to buy 'ern separately 'cause they won't come with the bike. Red Line isn't sure what the finished pegs are going to look like, but these prototypes should give you a hint. There's that werks bike look again. REDLINE CHAINSTAY PLATFORMS. Freestylin winter 1984 85: Red Line's new chainstay platforms. Now here's a fresh design that works great! They aren't bulky so it isn't likely they'll be pullin' off your shoes on the upstroke while you're pedaling. Yet your feet have enough room and the grip tape keeps 'em from slippin' off. Check out that fit - that's precision. |
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1985 | Pegs were made out of Aluminum. They would screw onto your axles and last a week before stripping. The more you stepped on your pegs the quicker they became loose. You were not able to make them tight or else the peg would strip and send shreds of metal all over the floor. Steel Deep Socket Pegs and Heat treated axles did not exist at the beginning of 1985. Eddie Fiola and GT are also coming with the first fold-up fork standers. Kevin Jones, Ride BMX UK august 2005: The pegs opened up all the doors in my mind. I was thinking, 'Oh my God. You can stand there and do shit.' Mike Daily was showing me. He couldn't do the stuff, but he could do a little bit, like side-glides, a little bit of hopping, but he was telling me about all this shit, like what Dizz Hicks was doing. Apparently he had been to a contest and seen all of these styles, like crazy, fast styles and hopping and flipping the bike around, and instantly I thought, Yeah, that's what I'm doing.' It took me maybe two seconds to realise that's what I was going to do, And pretty much that day was the end of break-dancing for me. HARO AXLE EXTENDERS. Brend new Haro aluminium axle extenders. available for either 24TPI or 26TPI axles. Colors are blue, black and silver.. PACIFIC FREESTYLE. Rear stands, forkstans, seatposts. Ad from Freestylin' september 1985. GT PEGS. Ad in BMX Action Bike december 1985: 1985 GT Frame Standers Eddie Fiola's invention redesigned. These rear platforms are quite simply the very best available. GT Fork Standers Eddie Fiola new design fold-up fork standers. Chromed steel with extra wide platform. These are the ultimate in fork standers. GT Tube Rides Serrated, lightweight alloy axle extenders. GT Steel Tube Rides Extra large diameter axle extenders. Designed for more control and comfort, covered with grip tape to prevent slipping. |
![]() 1985 Haro axle extenders. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
1986 | Pegs were too small and weak and axles would bend easily. | |
1987 | TIOGA. Tioga Roll On (purple) and Bear Trap (green) pegs. ODYSSEY PIVOT WINGS PEGS. Ad in Freestyle november 1987: The Odyssey Pivot Wings have a concave design to hug the fork for a cleaner look. But looking rad isn't the only advantage to these puppies. The spring loaded lock keeps them from floppin' when you're flippin'. HARO FRONT PEGS 1987. Freestyle Spectacular june 1987, Haro TeamSport bike test: The front pegs were the riders' vote for the "most trick part on the bike." They were gigantic and provided enough room for any foot, plus they fold up entirely out of the way. |
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1988 | Thomas Göring, november 2003: Wolfgang (my brother) and I started KHE in 1988. The main reason was that I bought a pair of Tioga pegs which I destroyed after I screw them on. I was learning precision mechanic and I was thinking I could do better. | |
1989 | Manu Massabova, www.agoride.com, septembre 2005: En 1989, Haro propose une fourche avec pegs en haut pliants et en bas vissable, le top du top (sauf que les pattes étaient en chewing-gum). Et comble du comble quand hitchiker est arrivé, il fallait obligatoirement le faire sur les pegs vissés sur l'axe de roue, ce qui faisait parfois 6 pegs sur la fourche, on appelait ça " la fourche Goldorak". En comptant les pegs à oreilles + les pegs vissés à l'arrière, on arrivait parfois à 10 pegs sur un seul bike, pas facile de jongler entre tout ça. En encore quand y avait pas de pegs sur le guidon (!!!) comme c'était le cas pour le Tioga par exemple ! J'ai même vu des riders mettre des pegs sur le collier de selle, ça pousse un peu loin le bouchon, surtout quand on sait que les cadres avaient des plates-formes assez grandes à cette époque. | |
1990 | PEGS SOUDES. Manu Massabova, www.agoride.com, septembre 2005: Nous sommes dans la période creuse du bmx. Les constructeurs tardent à faire évoluer les pegs alors que les tricks deviennent de plus en plus techniques. L'évolution vient donc des riders et non des marques. Il s'agissait simplement de souder des tubes sur la fourche au niveau de l'axe et de coller du grip dessus. Enfin un truc qui tenait la route, enfin si on connaissait un bon soudeur et un endroit où trouver des bouts de tubes (un chantier,...). BULLY PEGS. Invert august 1990: Pegs fresh from Bully. And the weird thing is, they are made out of very hard dense plastic, with a steel centre. A good size, very grippy as there are large studs on the surface. They'd be good for grinding too. Hot stuff. |
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1991 | Manu Massabova, www.agoride.com, septembre 2005: Haro a enfin laissé tomber ses repose-pieds oreilles, il était temps. Les pegs en cr-mo font également leur apparition mais la vraie (r)évolution de ces années là est incontestablement que le filetage disparaît des pegs pour laisser la place à un écrou amovible. |
1992 | STANDARD. Standard Industries releases much bigger bolt on pegs. Not the kind that screwed on to your axle. These pegs were longer, thicker and stronger. They also requored a deep socket wrench to install and a new axle. Standard introduced a longer and stronger heat treated cromolyn axle. |
KHE FUB PEGS. | ![]() |
1994 | King designs pegs. The pegs are 4 1/4 inches long by 1 3/8 inch diameter and machined with horizontal grooves. They are available in regular flat face, or with the raised notch which slots into the dropout preventing pegs from turning - King invented this feature and it's now popping up on other manu's pegs. What's more, the notch is available with a built-in chain tensioner keeping everything tight and adjusted perfectly. Acurate machining quality plating, tough steel. What more could you want? |
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1995 | STANDARD HAND GRENADE PEGS. Rick Moliterno, digbmx.com, may 2012: Hand Grenades… I think these might have been the first big diameter peg (not claiming – I just don’t recall any until these). They were the idea of Chad DeGroot. We have always listened to riders and have been open minded to trying new things. |
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Manu Massabova, www.agoride.com, septembre 2005: La première marque française à sortir de pegs de flat s'appelle Asphalt, elle a été crée par Mr Pascal Mintovt. | ||
1996 | DRAGONFLY. Dragonfly flatland pegs designed by Michael Steingraber. Ride BMX UK april 1996: From Dragonfly come those new aluminium flatland pegs. Designed by German Flatland Champion Michael Steingraber, they are just under 4 inches long and 2 inches in diameter with a knurled surface giving plenty of grip. The ends are rounded so when the bike's leaned it doesn't feel like you're standing on a pencil. They also come with slots preventing twisting, with threaded holes for chain adjusters. Cleanly made, light, they work. Manu Massabova, www.agoride.com, septembre 2005: Alors que toutes les marques font enfin des bons pegs qui collent parfaitement à l'évolution des tricks, aussi bien en street qu'en flat, Dragonfly (Allemagne) sort les pegs Mike'S, avec un bout très arrondis, pour faciliter les passages en stable duck (pivots). Leur apparence "boule" va aussi pas mal évoluer jusqu'à aujourd'hui. |
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2002 | FLY. Ride BMX US october 2002: Fly took the popular aluminum inner sleeve and chromoly outer sleeve peg design a step further by drilling holes in the aluminum sleeve. This brings the weight down to just over seven ounces each. |
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Glenn Milligan and the Ride BMX US engineers came with the Shamco clip-in pegs in Ride BMX US #78 november 2002. Over six weeks of research and they fabricated these pegs allowing you to perform unheard of stunts. | ![]() |
2005 |